WAICY 2023 Recap Video
Join us for the biggest AI competition in the world
Since 2018, the World Artificial Intelligence Competition for Youth has been inspiring students worldwide to learn and use AI to solve real-world problems. WAICY intends to bring AI to students worldwide to spark creative and practical demonstrations of the technology that can ultimately shape our future.
200+ students
60+ teams
5 countries
400+ students
80+ teams
8 countries
120+ students
40+ teams
5 countries
1000+ students
300+ projects
30+ countries
3200+ students
600+ projects
58+ countries
17.2k students
15k+ projects
64+ countries
Stay tuned for updates. Questions? Reach out to us at info@waicy.org.
Looking to participate? All you need is an idea
Artwork based
Create an artwork to tell us all about your AI idea
Program based
Code a program and tell us what it can do to help the world
Robot based
Use a robot to explain your idea further and make some moves
Our Country Partners
Stories of WAICY
In 2019, 40 students participated in the First Annual Lawrence and Mercer County Regional WAICY that was held by the Middlesex School District and the Union School District.
Meet the genius behind the star Project Masquito – Gabriel Pizarro. Masquito makes AI-assisted face mask detection accessible to the average consumer via a sleek, cross-platform mobile app and a robust server implementation.
Rishi’s project iPuma Mountain Lion Sensor won Gold Award, AI Excellence, Design Excellence, and Impact Excellence awards in the elementary school category at WAICY 2020. What inspired Rishi to do the project? Hear it from the 10-year-old himself!
In 2021 WAICY, Amalia-Christina, Chrysa, and Christiana from Greece created navigAId, an AI-integrated app that focuses on object detection via live capture, intending to aid visually impaired people to navigate easily and safely, even in less accessible places. Let’s see their amazing project!
Let’s get your questions answered
The World Artificial Intelligence Competition for Youth (WAICY) is a global competition challenging students to learn and use artificial intelligence (AI) technology to solve real problems.
WAICY is open to all students around the world ages 6-18.
WAICY 2023 is now open for project submission! Learn More >>
Yes, WAICY is open to remote participants. So, you can join us from any part of the world!
Of course! Although you can participate individually, we recommend participating in teams because collaboration is key to creativity.
There is no pre-requisite to WAICY. It is an open platform for all your AI learning experiences. We encourage you to visit www.readyai.org to look at unique and tested approaches to learning AI and Problem Based Learning.
WAICY is an open platform so long as you utilize and exhibit your AI skills.
Not necessary. But if you are a regional WAICY winner, consider your seat reserved for WAICY 2023.
Feel free to email us directly at info@waicy.org and we will assess your qualifications and work towards a regional WAICY in your city, region or country. It’s really fun. Learn more about becoming a WAICY country organizer >>
There are no restrictions but we think teams of 3-5 are optimal size, given our past experience in WAICY and the broader AI learning eco-system.